Allone Softtech is a strictly quality-driven Software Development & Support, System Integration and related IT Services specialist with major domain focus on the Financial Services, Telecommunications & General Enterprises. Allone Softtech is committed to solve business challenges, and promote innovation through strong business alliances with global leading innovative technology solution providers, and offering wide range of solution I service.

Allone Softtech offers end to end manage service and solutions to create innovative, market-leading products for financial sector as well as general enterprise and consumer markets.Agent Banking, Internet and Apps banking, Switching & QR Payment Solution, Cloud ERP are the main software and ATMs, CDMs, CRMs, Banknote Binding Machine, Smart POS, Kiosks hardware products of allone softtech.

Qualified Team

Our company is comprised of the best programmers.

Quality Assurance

We pay a lot of attention to quality control and assurance.

Clean Code

Every line of code in our products is written simple and clean.

Creative Ideas

Our team always generates amazing and creative ideas.